You have ten easy tricks. If you draw trumps you will end up with a loser each in clubs, diamonds and hearts. But with enough trump strength in hand to deal with any distribution, you are no doubt considering the possibility of delaying trumps, to ruff your third heart with dummy’s ♠K. That would give you an overtrick, but is it safe?
From the bidding this appears to be a safe line of play. East’s overcall shows 11+ points. Even if the bid was a bit light, West can’t have much outside hearts. West would surely have bid higher than 2♥ with an 8-card suit, ♥QJT98765, and little more elsewhere. So, East must have at least one heart.
We will be playing ♥A first and then low from dummy. If East ruffs at that point, we will play low from hand. Opponents would be making a trump instead of a heart. West might be able to take the lead with a club ruff. They would be making yet another trump, this time instead of a club. They will continue with another heart, but you will play ♠K from dummy, making a ruff instead of the ♥K, and still making your ten tricks.
So, take the first trick with ♣A, play low to ♥A and return to the king. Now ruff your third heart high and draw trumps. Most of the time you will make eleven tricks.