We have three club losers, so need to avoid losers in the red suits. That means ruffing twice in dummy.
It would be a mistake to play two rounds of trumps first, because if they are 3-1, we will not be able to draw the remaining trump before ruffing our losers, and we would have no way back to hand afterwards. Defenders may score a ruff.
However, we can afford one round of trumps, and that allows us to find out if East started with four of them. We would them be able to finesse in trumps after ruffing our losers, and still make the contract. And that one round of trumps must be taken with dummy's ace, or trumps will get blocked. And obviously, we need to win the opening lead with the ♥K, again to prevent a blockage.
So, win with ♥K and cash ♠A. Trumps are not 4-0. Cash ♦A and ruff the losing diamond. Cash the ♥A and ruff the losing heart. Draw the remaining trumps.