Board 03
W | N | E | S |
1♠ | |||
Pass | 2♣ | Pass | 3♠ |
Pass | 4♠ | End |
4♠ by South
When dummy is revealed, declarer's worse worries are confirmed – the ♥QJ are worthless. West continues with ♥K and another heart. Declarer needs three diamond tricks to make the contract, so must finesse twice. Since there is a club entry for the second finesse, declarer ruffs the third heart round, draws trumps ending in hand, and takes the first finesse by leading a low diamond to the jack. This wins because West holds the king. Now declarer can return to hand with ♣A and repeat the diamond finesse by leading to the queen.
Declarer loses just two hearts and a club.
Note that finessing only once gains nothing, since two diamond tricks are available without finessing.