Board 06
W | N | E | S |
1NT | Pass | ||
2♣ | Pass | 2♥ | Pass |
4♥ | End |
4♥ by East
These hands are awful, and we would be no better off in no-trumps. There is a small chance that the diamonds are 3-3, but other than that we are reduced to hoping that North has ♣K.
We had better take the first trick in case they are 5-1. Then after drawing trumps in three rounds, we might try giving up the lead with a diamond to see what happens. (We are hoping that South might end up leading a club, or the that diamonds are 3-3.) But South plugs away with winning diamonds and we must ruff the fourth round in dummy. We should now take ♣A, just in case the king is singleton, and then lead a low club to the queen. We are lucky and make our ten tricks.